The Nigerian Army DSSC and SSC are always short terms used by the Nigerian Army in their recruitment of graduates who wish to serve their country by joining the army.Both of them looks alike but still yet, they did not mean the same thing.In this article am going to break it down for better understanding of our readers.Let’s start by explaining the meaning of the two and combining them together so that we can get the difference.

The Nigerian Army DSSC simply means direct short service commission.It’s a short period of training organized by the Nigerian Army for graduates who possess HND or BSC from any recognized university in Nigeria to join the Army. It’s usually not more than 9 months of training. People who join the Nigerian Army as DSSC are those people that has a career that they wish to continue in the Army when they join.Lets assume you studied Medicine in the University or engineer,the best for you to apply is DSSC because when you join,you will continue your career in the Military as a doctor or Engineer.The age to apply for the DSSC is always from 22 years to 34 years.
The Nigerian Army SSC means short service combatant’s a short time training also given to graduates from different universities and polytechnics that qualifies and want to join the Nigerian Army. They are also trained for not less than 9 months before they pass out and become an officer in the Nigerian Army.Their training is a little bit different from that of the DSSC because they are trained to be in the fighting corps in the Nigerian Army Like Infantry,Artilary and Armour.They are trained to be combatant,To be able to lead troops in the war zone. They are trained to compete with the regular cadets who has spent 5 Years in the Nigerian Defence Academy to become an officer. To join through SSC, you have to be young because those in the DSSC tends to be older than those in the SSC. The SSC age bracket is from 22 to 28 years. Those in the SSC are likely to be promoted faster the the Officers in DSSC.The DSSC are also to retire quick more than the SSC because most of them are already old and won’t be able to continue the work so,they will go on compulsory retirement or they will retire voluntarily. As we just discussed about the difference between the two, there is also similarities among them. To be among DSSC or SSC,You have to be a University graduate. There is some ranks that the both Cannot reach even if they converts to regular officer. Ranks like major General,Leitenant General,General and Field Marshall.Both those regular cadets who has spent 5 Years in training can reach any rank in the army. Now, for you to join any of the two, there are some requirements which you needs to posses.
- You must be a Nigerian by birth.
- You must be between the Ages of 22 – 28 For SSC and 22 – 34 for DSSC
- You must be medically,phisically and mentally fit.
- You must not be an ex convict
- You must not be below the hight of 1.68 for males and 1.66 for females.
- You are to be single
- You must posses all your educational qualifications both from primary school to Higher institution
- You must have your NYSC certificate or letter of exemption
- You must have your valid birth certificate or declaration of age
- You must posses your certificate of state of origin
- You must have two well recognized referees who will attest that you have a good character and you are good to join the Army